I am a passionate C++ developer, Conan advocate and Jenkins user. The first Microsoft Visual Studio version I used was Visual Studio 6. C++ was a dying programming language until 12 August 2011, when the C++11 standard was approved. Since then I have been excited how great the ISO C++ committee works and how fast the C++ community is growing. I highly recommend to attend the Meeting CPP in Berlin where you are able to get in touch with them:

"Crazy Code, Crazy Coders" - Walter E. Brown
"Stop teaching C" - Kate Gregory
"C++ Core Guidelines - Modernize your C++ Code Base" - Peter Sommerlad


As an advanced software engineer and freelancer I would be happy to provide support with any of your software project and C++ project.
Please feel free to contact me:

Dipl.-Inf. Pierre Voigtländer

Kothauer Str. 59
85053 Ingolstadt



Visual Studio Code Visual Studio KDevelop gcc
Windows Linux
GIT SVN Cmake Conan Jenkins
doxygen Sphinx Catch 2 Qt ADTF
Jira Bitbucket Confluence redmine Trac
CPP CLanguage Python



Further developing of the LINWorks toolsuite to control and to configure devices of the BabyLIN Product Family.

(C++11) - MinGW 4.9.2, gcc5, cmake, catch2, doxygen, Qt5, qmake, QtCreator, Yocto Linux, LIN, CAN

Developing and supporting components for ADTF (Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework), a C++ Simulation Framework, Rapid Prototyping Toolset and Test- and Measurement Tool.

(C++11, C++14) - Microsoft Visual C++ 2015, gcc5, cmake, catch2, doxygen, Qt5, QML

Product Owner of FEP SDK 2 and FEP SDK 3 (Functional Engineering Platform), which is a simulation framework to develop distributed system, testing applications and scenario based simulations. For more information see FEP 3 SDK and FEP 2 SDK.

(C++11, C++14) - Microsoft Visual C++ 2015, gcc4, gcc5, socket API, cmake, RTI DDS, FAST RTPS, googleTest

Product Owner and Software Architect of FEP SDK 2 and FEP SDK 3 (Functional Engineering Platform), which is a simulation framework to develop distributed systems, testing applications and scenario based simulations. For more information see FEP 3 SDK and FEP 2 SDK.

Product Owner and Software Architect of toolboxes extending and supporting the FEP distribution standard (FEP ADTFInterface, FEP Utilities to control the FEP System).

(C++11, C++14) - Microsoft Visual C++ 2013, Microsoft Visual C++ 2015, gcc4, gcc5, socket API, cmake, RTI DDS, FAST RTPS, Qt5, googleTest

Software Architect and Developer of Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework (ADTF Version 2). The ADTF 2 was the first official Rapid Prototyping Tool introduced to the market for customized automotive applications which runs on Windows as well as Linux with the same code. For more information see ADTF 2 Documentation.

Software Architect and Developer of Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework (ADTF Version 3). The ADTF 3 is a full redesign of ADTF 2 in terms of modern C++, build system, const correct API, interprocess design, distributions amongst other things. For more information see ADTF 3 Documentation.

(C++98, C++03, C++11, C++14) - Microsoft Visual C++ 2003, Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, Microsoft Visual C++ 2008, Microsoft Visual C++ 2013, Microsoft Visual C++ 2015, gcc4, gcc5, CAN, LIN, Flexray, DirectShow, openGL, socket API, make, cmake Qt4, Qt5, ADTF Testing Framework, googleTest

Developer in the DevOps Team of the Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework (ADTF Version 1) which was the first tool enabling AUDI to record raw video frames together with CAN messages in a time synchronous way into a single streaming based file (also called Drive Recorder).

Developer in the DevOps Team of the Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework (ADTF Version 2). The ADTF 2 was the first official Rapid Prototyping Tool introduced to the market for customized automotive applications which runs on Windows as well as Linux with the same code. For more information see ADTF 2 Documentation.

Developing a cross platform library to wrap threading, string, file system access and socket operations. For more information see ADTF Utils Library Documentation.

(C++98, C++03) - Microsoft Visual C++ 2003, Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 , gcc4, MFC Framework, CAN, LIN, DirectShow, openGL, socket API, Qt4, ADTF Testing Framework

Supporting Microsoft Excel VBScripting tool which records project times for invoicing.

Developing MATLAB S-Function extensions in C++ for a Data Dictionary Application that parameterizes Simulink Models.

DevOps for MATLAB figure scripts to support Adaptive Cruise Control development.

Developing and supporting of NI LabView models for customized CAN bus signal visualizations and analyzing tools.

(C++98, C++03) - Microsoft Visual C++ 2003, Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, Microsoft VBScript, MATLAB m-script, MATLAB m-figure library, MFC Framework, CAN, NI LABView, Vector tooling

Programming of data analizing and vizualization tools to retrieve data from archieved backup files.

Microsoft Visual Studio 6, Microsoft Visual Basic 6

Programming of test software to create and run statistical tests of a simple on-board random number generator.

(C++98) - Microsoft Visual C++ 6, Microsoft Visual Studio 6, Microsoft Windows API

Programming of several file conversion tools from a vendor specific product catalog format (XML, BMEcat) into a CSV for import it into the PC Ware product database.

Microsoft Visual Studio 6, Microsoft Visual Basic 6

Supporting the web development department in programming conversion and importing tools to add items into the catalog of the product database.

Microsoft Visual Studio 6, Microsoft Visual Basic 6, SQL Server 7.0



Attendee of the Student Exchange Program at Bolton Institute of Technology (now University of Bolton) in 2000/2001.

HTWK - Leipzig University of Applied Sciences

Diploma thesis at Infineon Technologies AG: Design of Hardware Architecture for an AES-Coprocessor.



Besides enjoying spending time with my family, I am an enthusiastic rower at the Donau Ruder Club Ingolstadt e.V.. As one of their members, I maintain the clubs IT and social media accounts and row on our beautiful Donau river in Ingolstadt in either a team boat or a single scull. The most fascinating kind of boat to me is the 2- (coxless pair), where you really need a partner that you can trust 100 percent. I am happy to have found one.



The individual responsible for the content of this website is:
Dipl.-Inf. Pierre Voigtländer

Kothauer Str. 59
85053 Ingolstadt

Disclaimer: Contents of external websites on which I am linking to directly or indirectly (through „hyperlinks“ or „deeplinks“) are beyond my responsibility and are not adopted as my own content. When the links were published, I did not have knowledge of any illegal activities or contents on these websites. Since I do not have any control on the contents of these websites, I distance myself from all contents of all linked websites, which were updated after setting up of the links. For all contents and especially damages, resulting of the use of the linked websites, only the provider of these linked websites can be held liable. If I receive knowledge of illegal contents on these linked websites, I will delete the according links.
